Four Hundred and Twenty-Five Stairs

Amicalola Falls and the Len Foote Inn Trail

Ethan Wetherington
3 min readNov 12, 2020


Four hundred and twenty-five stairs

Taken in pairs to wake the quads

Place our crew atop a grand waterfall

Bordered by a parking lot

That dampens the victorious ascent


We could have fucking driven up here

I mutter to my two companions

As we sweatily amble past

Plump tourists and geriatrics and children

Whose quads remain blissfully asleep


Leaving them to dumbly gape

We forge into the autumnal hills

Five arduous miles of scuffling

Through cranberry burnt sugar leaves

Interrupted by mangroves in troughs


Then from the trees emerges

Some looming structure painted gray

A drab and creaky and eerie inn

Where intermittent piss whiffs indicate

That we share this little paradise


Our fleeting companions are as follows

A pair of hikers on a garden bench

Some chap in an orange puff jacket

And a grim woman so lost in a book

As to seem dead on first glance


Broadcasting our presence

To this charming little coterie

We crinkle pub sub bags

And then observe contemplative silence

Where a quiet understanding exists


Between all present parties

That a hours-long trailed toil

Was the necessary fare

For this remote rest stop

For which we all paid our dues


The corpse gaze remains fixed on the pages

But puff jacket soon absconds

Garden duo vanishes without a trace

And so we also venture on

Impermanent and intrepid


Fall’s yellows and ambers and reds

Lack the stamina for the next peak

Abandoning us among windswept trees

And decaying leaves and sepia tones

That remind us of a cemetery


A raven’s cry turns the scene

Into a goddamn cliché

As mother nature calls on line one

And I seek some leafy seclusion

To conceal such a private matter


No doubt my adventurous friends

A couple, as it happens

Revel passionately in my absence

As is their prerogative

Ceasing kindly as I rejoin the triumvirate


As tribute to the journey’s impending end

The path descends and grows rockier

More treacherous and precarious

Or in other words more fun

Though our knees vocally disagree


Our proximity to society is signaled

By giddy dogs who romp along the route

With their hurried human counterparts

And shame our waxing weariness

With their bottomless reservoirs of enthusiasm


Last one to the trail’s end is a rotten egg

Proclaims the girl with a five yard head start

And seeing how little time there is to debate

The wisdom of sprinting over crags and tree roots

The boys scramble off in hot pursuit


In the wake of a photo finish

Our breathless moment of celebration

At having conquered ten sylvan miles

In a matter of hours is quashed

By the aforementioned parking lot


Returned to the top of the waterfall

We gather our lightened packs

And what remains of our resolve

To re-trace that prolonged and awful march

Down four hundred and twenty-five fucking stairs



Ethan Wetherington

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